Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 5 Number 11

Library Thing website is a wonderful way of recording and commenting of all the books you have read. This would be helpful especially for people who are members of book clubs. Over the years I am sure people would forget what the club has read.

Week 5 Number 10

My favorite generator is the "Chocolate Bar". If only I could have a candy bar named after me.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 4: Number 9

"Merlin" was very educational. There is an interesting article under "Library Garden" were they try to come up with a up-to-date word for database. They think database is old and boring but cannot think of a new tready word. They agree databases are search tools or the resources within them. As one person put it, they are the gold in the mine.

Pouring Liquid Grapes

Pouring Liquid Grapes
Originally uploaded by DHJ.V
I finished Week 3 number 5. Have a glass on me.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Hello I Made It.

This is so much fun expanding my techno brain. Starting down a new path in life.